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Class 1 Autumn Term 2023

Week beginning 13th November 23

We have begun our new English topic this week by topic by making Fruity Face Pancakes. We looked at the layout and features of the recipe and then followed each step, in order. The children washed their hands, chopped the fruit and then constructed their own funny faces. They then had the BEST time eating the pancakes. They are now super excited to be using our book about Slime making!

The weather has hampered our practical exploration of micro-habitats but we have learnt about what they are and who we might find in a variety of micro habitats. We will be exploring our school grounds in the coming week to find and observe mini-beasts in their natural environment.

Week beginning 6th November 23

The Christmas countdown has begun in Class 1 with the children giving me daily updates as to how many days left before the big day!

The children have worked exceptionally hard this week in maths, mastering their understanding of addition, subtraction, solving a range of questions mentally, through the use of resources and (Year 2) through the use of a number line. They have also been applying this learning within reasoning questions. Next week, we will be starting a new English text based on instructions. We will be exploring the layout, features and taking part in some making activities to inform our own writing.

20th September 2023
Wow! What an amazing first few weeks we have had. The children have settled into the new routine and work brilliantly and are enjoying each new topic.
In English, we have been exploring our story path text and taking our octopus, witch or leopard on an adventure through settings like a spooky wood filled with bats, or a slimy swamp infested with angry alligators. We have focused on how to create descriptive sentences using adjectives as well as the use of our senses. Next, we will be planning our full journey and writing our class story. 
In Maths, we are revisiting and deepening our understanding of number and place value. Year 1 are working on numbers to 50; reading, writing and ordering them. We have also been looking at one more and one less. Year 2 are developing their knowledge of place value of numbers to 100, showing their value using a range of resources and explaining how they know. 
We had an interesting letter left for us in class 1 from 'little mouse' He was keen to find out what the children do when they go home from school and the activities which they take part in.
This is the beginning of our topic about 'Then and Now' for History. The children begin by learning about things which are happening now and this then develops into learning about how things happened in the past - an hour ago, week ago, years ago and before they were born.