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Class F Summer Term 2024

10th July 2024

Reception and Nursery (3 and 4 year olds)

This week we finished off our learning about the Rainbow Fish. Reception had a go at writing some speech bubbles at different points throughout the story. They made him talk to a selection of different characters for example the octopus, little blue fish and the star fish.  

As it is plastic free month, we all discussed the importance of using less plastic. We read a story about what happened to the animals when plastic accidently gets into the sea. The class then had a go at creating a poster to promote being plastic free.  

This week in PE the children have been busy practicing for sports day and have enjoyed taking part in a variety of races.  

2 Year Olds 

This week we are reading the story called ‘The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch’. We have enjoyed making different items of lunch from our playdough, making fish from our small parts and drawing lighthouses. We have also enjoyed singing lots of our favourite sea songs and rhymes. 

3rd July 2024
Reception and Nursery (3 and 4 Year olds)

This week we have been learning about the ‘Rainbow Fish’ written by Marcus Pfister. In our independent learning we’ve had the opportunity to create our own rainbow fish, write speech bubbles about what the Rainbow Fish might say and make our own fish tanks for the Rainbow fish at the junk modelling table.  

We worked hard to use the whiteboard to create a fish on the programme ‘Paint’ and learnt how to draw shapes and use the colourfill tool. The children were all pleased with their masterpieces! 


2 Year Olds 

This week we are continuing to find out things about our topic Under the Sea. We are exploring drawing in sand and working on our fine motor skills with the picking pond.   

26th June
Reception and Nursery (3 and 4 year olds)

This week we have continued to learn about sharks and reception finished writing their information books by adding in sentences about shy sharks, hammerhead sharks, great white sharks and whale sharks. 

We all worked hard in our PSHE lesson. This week we carefully drew around someone’s body and labelled as many body parts as we could think of.  

In PE we focussed on racket skills. We practiced balancing a ball on the racket and tossing beanbags into the air. Towards the end of the session, we had a go at hitting a ball that was bounced across the playground.  

This week we were lucky to be able to take part in a first aid session. We practiced lots of useful skills and learnt who we need to ring in case of an emergency.  


2 Year Olds 

This week we are learning the story The Rainbow Fish. We have enjoyed listening to the story and then making our own rainbow fish. We have used lots of different things to make our fish like Playdoh, junk modelling, and tissue paper.   

19th June
Reception and Nursery (3 and 4 year olds)

This week we have been busy learning all about sharks. We read a story called ‘A Shark’s Story, A Fishy Tale of Adventure on the High Sea’. We then started to create an information book about sharks and wrote sentences about a blue shark and a basking shark. We are hoping to finish them next week. In our independent learning we had the opportunity to create our own junk model of a shark and created sea pictures using transient art.  

Reception were invited to Class 1 and enjoyed a talk by the RNLI. We discussed how to stay safe while at the beach.  

We all enjoyed our music session. This term it is revision based so we recapped a song that we had learnt right at the start of the year. We also listened carefully to pieces of music and had to try and work out what instruments were playing in it.  

2 Year Olds 

This week we have been talking about this term’s topic, ‘under the sea’. We have been singing lot’s of sea related songs and rhymes such as Tiny Tim the turtle, and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, once I caught a fish alive. We have enjoyed playing in the water trough and painting sea pictures.  

Could parents remember that if your child is unable to attend their session to please inform the school asap via email at or telephone on 01805 601354. 

12th June 2024 
We hope you had a lovely holiday. This week we shared what we did on our holidays and have written our holiday news. It has been lovely to hear what the children have been doing. We have also started our topic ‘The sea. We looked carefully at the knowledge organisers and thought about what we would like to learn over the course of this half term.