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Jigsaw PSHE

At Langtree Primary School we use the PSHE scheme Jigsaw.

An important part of the Jigsaw PSHE programme is delivered through the Changing Me puzzle piece which covers the teaching of RSE. This will be the topic for the last half of the summer term.

Each year group will be taught appropriate to their age and developmental stage. The Changing Me Puzzle is all about coping positively with change and includes:

  • Ages 3-5 Growing up: how we have changed since we were babies.
  • Ages 5-6 Boys’ and girls’ bodies; correct names for body parts.
  • Ages 6-7 Boys’ and girls’ bodies; body parts and respecting privacy (which parts of the body are private and why this is).
  • Ages 7-8 How babies grow and how boys’ and girls’ bodies change as they grow older. Introduction to puberty and menstruation.
  • Ages 8-9 Internal and external reproductive body parts. Recap about puberty and menstruation. Conception explained in simple terms.
  • Ages 9-10 Puberty for boys and girls in more detail including the social and emotional aspects of becoming an adolescent. Conception explained in simple biological terms.
  • Ages 10-11 Puberty for boys and girls revisited. Understanding conception to the birth of a baby. Becoming a teenager.
All lessons are taught using correct terminology, child-friendly language and diagrams.

Jigsaw Parent Guide to Relationships and Sex Education

It should also be noted that parents do have the right to withdraw their child from sex education. However, under the National Curriculum, the basics of sex education fall within the science curriculum, which is a statutory subject and therefore pupils cannot be withdrawn from these lessons. The RSE we teach in PSHE through the Jigsaw programme will complement science teaching and will concentrate on teaching children how to enjoy healthy, appropriate relationships, improve self-esteem and self-confidence, and make healthy, informed choices.

More information on PSHE and RSE can be found in the PSHE and RSE policy on our website along with the Jigsaw RSE Guide for parents and carers leaflet found below.