See the latest newsletter for important dates and information.


Langtree Community School PTA

Our Parent Teacher Association is an organisation of parents and staff who volunteer to organise and run fun events for the School community. Our PTA is best known for its fundraising work and provides an opportunity for parents, staff and pupils to get together.

We raise money through events and try to hold one main school event each school term: for example Christmas Fair, Summer Fair, Easter Egg Hunt, Halloween Parties, Sponsored walks, Non-Uniform days and many more.

We are always on the lookout for new fundraising ideas!

The money raised by the PTA is intended to provide ‘extras’ not already provided by the school’s main income. Here are some of the things we have supported over recent years:

Interactive whiteboards across the School

Netball and football bibs

Years 5/6 Residential subsidy

Swimming Equipment and storage

Winter and summer swimming pool covers

'Small world' area for the children to use with their toys

Books and sofas for the School library


Didgeridoo activity for Class 1

Wooden kitchen for Class F

'Art Mash' glass decorating subsidy

There are many different ways you can help with the PTA, whether you have lots of time to offer or not. If you cannot commit to a big job, look out for things you can do less frequently e.g. run a stall at a fayre, bake for a cake stall, donate requested items - and you can always support events by simply turning up! Thank you.

Please contact the School if you'd like to get in touch with any of the above Committee Members:

T: 01805 601354 or E: