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Class 1 Spring 2025

Class 1 - 7th February 2025

A busy week with a focus on children’s mental health. The children have listened to stories and created some thought-felt pieces of work about when we have a worry and what we might do to make them go away.

We have finished our instruction writing all about how to make delicious pizzas and the children then did these up in their best handwriting so we can put them on display.

In the coming week, before half term, we will be focusing on problem solving using place value, addition and subtraction in maths and in Science, we are finishing up our learning about classifying animals and human growth and development.

Home learning 31st Jan 2025

We have had some amazing pieces of home learning so far; from recycled robots and zebra to instructions on how to make biscuits. We have also received some super litter pick images of children tidying up their local area.

Keep up the great work all of you.

I will upload images of the home learning to the blog early next week.


Class 1 Home learning 24th January 2025

In maths this week, all of the children explored how to compare numbers using greater than, less than and equal to. They can now use the correct symbols and then read what each number sentence says. In English, we had great fun making pizzas. The children chose ingredients like ham, pepperoni, sweetcorn and cheese. We will use the images to help create some super instruction writing.

We have continued our learning about global warming and begin finding out more about the different types of pollution including air pollution, ocean pollution and also how deforestation affects climate change.


Class 1 Home learning 17th January 2025

As always, a very productive week in class 1. Year 1 have been working on place value of numbers and representing these in a variety of ways and year 2 have looked at how to flexibly partition numbers to understand their value in different ways. In English, we have had great fun exploring a variety of instructional texts including organising examples and having a go at following different sets ourselves.

The children are thoroughly enjoying geography this term with our key question being ‘why do polar bears need our help’ We have begun looking at climates across the world as well as our atmosphere and what happens when humans create pollution.

Class 1 Home learning 10th January 2025

Welcome back to all the children after the holidays. I hope you all had a fun-filled yet restful Christmas and new year.

Lots of new topics and texts being explored this term. Details of these can be found on the curriculum map which has been sent via families email.

The projects below continue as usual. They are set now but not due until the end of this half term which gives the children over 4 weeks to complete 1, 2 or even all 3 of the activities.