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Class F Autumn Term 2024



This week, Class F’s learning has been based around the book ‘Susie and Sam Learn About Road Safety’ because it was Road Safety Week. The children have learnt the key words to remember when crossing the road. They have made traffic light biscuits using smarties and looked at different road signs.   


This week's learning has been based around the book Don’t Hog the Hedge with a hibernation theme. The children have sung a song about Hedgehogs, learnt facts about the animal and then created their own hedgehog fact files.  In phonics, the reception children have spent time revising the phase 2 sounds they have learnt so far and learnt the tricky words ‘and’ and ‘to’. They have thought about the parts that make up numbers using the part whole model.  The Nursery children have continued their instrumental sounds phonics learning with activities including instruments. They have also moved onto pattern in their maths learning thinking about AB patterns with colours and cubes. 

This week, Class F’s learning has been based around the book “Sparks in the Sky” thinking about Bonfire Night and how this is celebrated. They have made firework pictures using paint and forks, discussed firework safety and watched a video of fireworks thinking about the noises fireworks can make and trying to copy them using mouth sounds. We have then started to discuss Remembrance Day and what this is. We have started to decorate our own poppies and are placing these on the outline of a soldier. 

In phonics, the reception children have continued with their Phase 2 phonics and have learnt g, o, c, k with actions. They have played games such as bingo and matching the pictures to the CVC words.   

The Nursery children have been matching objects by colour and shape. In their phonics, they have started their Instrumental Sounds learning with activities including creating their own sound shakers and using these to accompany singing songs such as Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.  


This week, Class F’s learning has been based around the book ‘The Enormous Turnip’. The children have sequenced the story using pictures and made a story map using these pictures. They have roleplayed the story using character masks and have sung some songs based on the book.  The children have used tissue paper in the creative area to create their own turnip art and used a small world tuff tray to recreate the book. 


This week, Class F have been continuing to think about the book ‘Famer Duck. Last week, the children investigated sunflowers that had developed seeds. They then used tweezers and their fingers to pull the seeds out. These seeds have now been used to create their own sunflowers using yellow paint, paper plates and the sunflower seeds they harvested. The children also listened to and learnt the song Dingle Dangle Scarecrow with actions. 


This week, Class F have been thinking about the book ‘Farmer Duck and have been thinking about what harvesting means and the link to Harvest Festival. The children have enjoyed listening to the story, have thought about how Farmer Duck feels to be doing all the work on the farm whilst the farmer stays in bed eating chocolates and have sequenced pictures depicting the story. 


This week, Class F have been thinking about the book ‘I like books to link with the Appledore Book Festival. On Thursday, the children took part in a whole school assembly lead by the author Gill Lewis and then had class workshop. Layn Marlow lead the workshop around her book Noah’s Seal. The children listened very carefully to Layn’s instructions and created their own “sand seal” like Noah did in the bookThe children have also discussed books and the type of books they enjoy reading. They have voted for the book they would like to read.  


This week, Class F have been thinking about the book ‘The Great Big Book of Families and have discussed how different families can lookThey have taken part in Show and Tell sessions, talking about the people who make up their family. We have also continued to practise our name writing with an adult to ensure we are forming the letters in our names correctly. The children made bread to go with soup class 1 had made and enjoyed tasting the soup.  


Welcome back! We hope you have had a lovely summer break. The children have had a lovely two weeks sharing lots of stories, singing songs and learning how to use the different parts of the classroom.  

This week, Class F have been thinking about the book ‘What makes me a me?’ and talked about what makes them special, what they like and what their favourite colours are. We have talked about where we can go in the classroom if we feel ‘like a volcano’. We have also been practising our name writing with an adult.