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Class F Autumn Term 2024


Welcome back! We hope you have had a lovely summer break. The children have had a lovely two weeks sharing lots of stories, singing songs and learning how to use the different parts of the classroom.  

This week, Class F have been thinking about the book ‘What makes me a me?’ and talked about what makes them special, what they like and what their favourite colours are. We have talked about where we can go in the classroom if we feel ‘like a volcano’. We have also been practising our name writing with an adult.  



This week, Class F have been thinking about the book ‘The Great Big Book of Families and have discussed how different families can look. They have taken part in Show and Tell sessions, talking about the people who make up their family. We have also continued to practise our name writing with an adult to ensure we are forming the letters in our names correctly. The children made bread to go with soup class 1 had made and enjoyed tasting the soup.  



This week, Class F have been thinking about the book ‘I like books to link with the Appledore Book Festival. On Thursday, the children took part in a whole school assembly lead by the author Gill Lewis and then had a class workshop. Layn Marlow lead the workshop around her book Noah’s Seal. The children listened very carefully to Layn’s instructions and created their own “sand seal” like Noah did in the book. The children have also discussed books and the type of books they enjoy reading. They have voted for the book they would like to read.